GTK4 Terminal App ‘Black Box’ Gets a Big Ol’ Update

An updated version of Black Box, a GTK4/libadwaita terminal app for Linux desktops, is now available — and it’s a big ‘un!

When I wrote about the first release on omgubuntu last I surmised that, in a sea of VTEs, this app delivered most of the core features one would expect but with the added benefit of several you might not!

Black Box 0.14 in action

The latest release builds out in both areas. Flashier touches gain buffs (e.g., context-aware header bar coloring) and further expands the range of “basic” features (like process competition notifications for unfocused tabs).

Black Box 0.14.0 changes at-a-glance:

  • New default Adwaita and Adwaita Dark color schemes
  • Style picker in main menu
  • Customize working directory of new tabs
  • Tab/window close confirmations if active process running
  • Option to disable terminal bell
  • Option to use bright colors for bold text
  • See desktop notifications for process completion
  • ‘Open’ and ‘copy link’ options added to the right-click menu
  • Rename tabs (<3)
  • Performance improvements

Additionally, the preferences/settings panel is made more orderly by grouping certain configuration together. And a swathe of issues have been addressed in the update, some resolved simply by requesting additional Flatpak permissions.

Red means danger sudo

If you’re not averse to an all-singing, all-dancing terminal client then Black Box is worth a play with. It has a great UI and great configurability, providing a functional contrast to the torrent of pared-back, hyper-minimal terminal clients that exist.

• Get Black Box on Flathub

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