List is a Linux App that Doesn’t Overcomplicate Your To-Dos

To-do apps for Linux? Of those there are plenty – so many you pretty much need to use one to keep up!

List is a (relatively) new to-do app for Linux built in GTK4/libadwaita (meaning it looks super nice on modern Linux desktops). Its USP is simplicity; Lists forgoes fussy organizational features in favour of a flatter focus.

You add tasks and sub-tasks, mark them complete, and that’s basically it — it’s the digital equivalent of a plain sheet of paper and a biro where you jot stuff down, then get on with doing it.

Todo: simplicity

I don’t need to mind-map my shopping list, or split out my chores into a web of nested folders and cross-referenced labels and tags. List is more akin to Remember the Milk sans the web-bloat and hassle of creating accounts.

Current features:

  • Create multiple task lists
  • Add subtasks to task lists
  • Collapse task lists
  • Edit tasks and subtasks
  • Assign task lists a color
  • Mark tasks as done
  • Delete tasks
  • Light, dark, or auto mode

The List GitHub page emphasis this supremely-focused feature set that makes managing tasks an absolute doddle (as we like to say here in the UK). It’s as barebones as it can be without being todo.txt, but looks great, works well, and fulfils its aims.

Supports dark mode and task editing

If I were to suggest features that might make it a little sweeter: in-line editing of tasks/subtasks; being able to reorder subtasks through drag and drop; more accent colors; and a menu item to “remove completed” tasks in one go rather than needing to manually delete each.

In summary, List is great for casual, daily usage. I wouldn’t try and project manage using it – remember: it’s not designed for that – but for simple lists of things I need to get done, this app helps me do that fast, without fuss.

Get List on Flathub.

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