Shotwell Photo App Now Supports AVIF, HEIC & WebP

A new version of Linux photo manager and image editor Shotwell is available to download.

Shotwell 0.32.0 is the first major release of the app since last year (though the last stable release appears to have been back in December 2020). Developers have duly gifted the photo organizer some notable new features, bug fixes, and enhancements in that intervening time.

The biggest one? We of this update Shotwell now supports more image formats. This includes AVIF and HEIF/HVEC/HEIC (which will be familiar to iPhone users), as well as JPEG XL, CR3, and the increasingly ubiquitous WebP.

Since more of us are taking, sending, and downloading images in these modern formats it’s important that photo management software such as Shotwell is able to keep up and handle them correctly – so these are very welcome changes.

Other things of note in Shotwell 0.32.0:

  • Initial geographical data handling
  • Support for multiple publishing service accounts
  • Manual tagging of people in images
  • HiDPI support for the image viewer
  • Option to enable auto-recognition of people in images during compilation
  • Simpler handling of hierarchical tags

More details on the release can be found in the announcement blog post from Shotwell developer Jens Georg.

Future versions of Shotwell will drop the “0” preceding the version number, thus the next stable release with be Shotwell 33, and a GTK4 port is underway and may feature the result of the map widget.

Get Shotwell 0.32

Shotwell 0.32 will be available to install from Flathub in next day or so. Rolling release distributions are likely to package and issue this update to their users in the near future though, naturally, this will vary from distro to distros. Source code is available from Gitlab.

Users of fixed-release distros like Ubuntu and Fedora (both of which include Shotwell in their default app sets) are unlikely to get this update as a standard update. However, it’s trivial to install the Flathub version (and remove the repo one) to benefit from the latest changes.

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