How to Install Home Assistant on a Synology NAS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Home Assistant onto a Synology NAS.

Installing Home Assistant on a Synology NAS

A Synology NAS is a popular solution for those wanting an easy-to-use network storage solution.

They have many different versions, but almost all of them have the ability to run Home Assistant.

Thanks to Synology’s DSM operating system supporting Docker containers, installing Home Assistant is a relatively straightforward process.

Home Assistant, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a home automation platform. It allows you to easily connect various devices to either gather metrics from them or perform automation.

A Synology NAS makes an excellent place to run Home Assistant, as you will likely keep it running. It also has enough processing headroom to handle the vast majority of tasks.

Installing and Setting Up Home Assistant on a Synology NAS

This section will cover all the steps required to install the Home Assistant software onto a Synology NAS.

We wrote these steps for Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) 7.2, but they should also work for older and newer releases. The location of some of the options might differ slightly, but the values you need to set will remain the same.

Before you begin, we expect you to have at least already set up your Synology NAS. You will also need to have the DSM interface open in your web browser.

Installing Container Manager to your Synology NAS

1. Our first step is installing the Container Manager app on our Synology NAS. This software will allow you to install Docker containers like Home Assistant on your device.

To begin this process, open the Package Center. Typically, you can open this by clicking the “Package Center” icon on the DSM desktop.

Open the Package Center

2. With the Package Center open, use the top search bar and type in “container manager” and press ENTER.

Search for the Container Manager

3. You will now see a list of different applications under the “All Packages” header.

Look for the package named “Container Manager” and click the “Install” button.

Install Container Manager

4. Before your Synology will install the Container Manager, you will be asked to confirm the settings.

On this page, ensure that the “Run after installation” checkbox is ticked (1.).

After ensuring the checkbox is ticked, click the “Done” button (2.).

Set Container Manager to Run After Installation

5. After the Container Manager has been installed, it should move up under the “Installed” header.

Find “Container Manager” within your installed packages and click the “Open” button.

Open the Container Manager

Installing Home Assistant on your Synology NAS

In these next steps, we will walk you through downloading and configuring the Home Assistant container on your Synology.

Downloading the Home Assistant Image

6. Now that we have the Container Manager installed and open on the Synology NAS, we can move on to installing Home Assistant itself.

To begin this process, we must change to the “Registry” tab by clicking it in the sidebar.

Change to the Registry Tab

7. Once on the registry screen, use the search bar in the top right corner and type “homeassistant/home-assistant” or just “homeassistant“.

Search for the Home Assistant Container on the Synology NAS

8. You should now find a list of Docker containers that the Container Manager found.

At the top of the list, there should be one called “homeassistant/home-assistant“. Once found, double-click the entry.

Select the Home Assistant Container

9. You will be prompted to select the tag for the Home Assistant container on your Synology NAS.

Most people will want to stick with the default and keep the “latest” tag. If you are happy with the latest version, click the “Apply” button.

Download Home Assistant Image to the Synology NAS

10. Now, wait patiently while your Synology NAS downloads the latest version of the Home Assistant container.

This process can take some time, so please be patient.

Wait for container to download

11. For this next step, you must start by clicking the “homeassistant/home-assistant” image you downloaded (1.).

Once selected, click the “Run” button (2.) at the top of the list.

Run the Home Assistant Container on the Synology NAS

Setting up the Home Assistant Docker Container on the Synology NAS

12. We can finally begin setting up the Home Assistant container on our Synology NAS.

First, we should give this container a name (1.). For our setup, we named our container “homeassistant“.

We also want Home Assistant to automatically start on our Synology NAS, so ensure the “Enable auto-restart” checkbox is ticked (2.).

With these two settings configured, click the “Next” button (3.).

Name the container
Setting up a Mounted Volume

13. The first thing we must configure on the “Advanced Settings” page is the volumes.

We need to add a volume so Home Assistant’s configuration files are stored locally on the Synology NAS and not in the container.

Begin adding a new folder by clicking the “Add Folder” button.

Add a Synology NAS Folder to the Home Assistant Container

14. Within this dialog box, we must create a folder to store the Home Assistant files.

First, you must click the existing “docker” folder as shown in the screenshot below (1.).

After selecting this folder, click the “Create Folder” button (2.).

Create Folder to store Home Assistant

15. You must now name this folder (1.). In our case, we are keeping this simple and calling it “homeassistant“.

Once you have typed out a name, click the “OK” button (2.).

Assign new folder a name

16. After creating our new folder, we will want to select it as a volume destination (1.).

With the new folder selected, click the “Select” button (2.).

Select newly created

17. Finally, with the new volume added, we must type the location it should be mapped to within the Home Assistant container.

In the textbox next to the directory we selected, type in “/config“.

Set Volume Path to Config
Adding an Environment Variable

18. For this next step, we will add a new environment variable to our container. The variable we will add will define the Home Assistant’s time zone.

To add a new environment, click the “+ Add” button under the “Environment” header.

Add new environment variable

19. In the left-hand box, type in the name for this environment variable. In our case, we want this name to be “TZ” (1.).

Next, you must type in the name of a time zone (2.). Wikipedia provides a good list of time zones. The value you want is under the “TZ Identifier” header.

We will be setting this value to “Australia/Hobart” for the time zone that we live in.

Create Time zone Environment variable
Setting Privileged Capabilities

20. There are various cases in which Home Assistant might need privileged capabilities on your Synology NAS.

You can give your container increased privileges by clicking the “Execute container using high privilege” option.

Set privileges for Home Assistant on the Synology NAS

21. You will now get a warning about how root privileges give the container access to your entire system.

If you are uncomfortable with this, Home Assistant will still work without the increased privileges. However, for this guide, we will be clicking the “OK” button.

Privilege increase warning
Changing the Network from Bridge to Host

22. We now need to scroll down until you find the “Network” header.

Under this header, click the “network” setting (1.), and then choose the “host” option (2.).

Set network to host mode
Finishing up Configuring Home Assistant on the Synology NAS

23. We have now finished all the configuration steps for Home Assistant to run on the Synology NAS.

To move on to the summary screen, click the “Next” button.

Continue setup process

24. The last thing we need to do is tick the checkbox next to the “Run this container after the wizard is finished” text (1.).

You can start everything by clicking the “Done” button (2.).

Finish Installation of Home Assistant on the Synology NAS

Verifying Home Assistant is Now Installed

25. After installing Home Assistant to your Synology NAS, the image you downloaded should now have a blue (1.) status symbol. This color means that the image is currently in use.

You can now use the sidebar to change to the “Container” tab (2.).

Image in use

26. On the container tab, you will find the Home Assistant container we just installed.

Here you can see the status of the container, its name, the image it is using, and the uptime.

Home Assistant Container running

Accessing the Home Assistant Web Interface

With Home Assistant running on your Synology NAS, you will want to know how to access it.

1. To access the Home Assistant web interface, you must go to your NAS’s IP address followed by the port “8123“.

8123 is the default part that Home Assistant utilizes for its interface.


2. After going to the above URL, you will be greeted with the following welcome screen. This screen links off to a few Home Assistant community pages and is also where you will begin the initial setup experience.

To begin configuring Home Assistant, you must click the “CREATE MY SMART HOME” button.

Welcome to Home Assistant Screen

3. Your first task is to create a user that you will use to access your Home Assistant installation. On this screen, fill out information about your user (1.).

After filling out your name, username, and password, click the “CREATE ACCOUNT” button (2.).

Create user for Home Assistant on the Synology NAS

4. Next, you will want to select the location where your Synology NAS Home Assistant installation is located (1.).

The software uses this location to help with automations that use your location. You can click the “NEXT” button (2.) to confirm the location.

Set Home Location

5. Home Assistant will now offer you the choice to opt into any of their analytics. These analytics will help the team improve the software, but it is entirely your choice to enable them.

Once you have made your decision, click the “NEXT” button.

Allow or block analytics

6. The software will now list any devices that it has automatically detected to be compatible with Home Assistant.

You can finish the installation process by clicking the “FINISH” button.

Found compatible devices

7. At this point, you have successfully installed Home Assistant on your Synology NAS.

With this software up and running, we highly recommend you explore our other Home Assistant tutorials.

Home Assistant running on the Synology NAS


Hopefully, at this point in the tutorial, you will have successfully installed Home Assistant on your Synology NAS.

This software allows you to easily start turning your house into a smart home. It boasts support for many third-party devices, even those that are a bit more obscure.

Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about getting Home Assistant to work on your NAS.

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