Marktext is an Excellent Editor Even for Those Who Don’t Know Markdown

Another Markdown editor? Have we not seen all kinds of Markdown editors already?

I understand that feeling. If you are a Markdown lover, from Joplin to Zettlr, you have tried most of them. And if you are not a Markdown fan, you probably don’t care about these editors.

Markdown is an excellent markup language especially for people who write for the web. I am not going to go into the details here. We have an excellent Markdown starters guide if you are interested in learning more about it.

My focus here is on introducing you to (another) Markdown editor, It’s called Marktext and it is an Electron app (don’t hate me just yet).

I found it to be an excellent editor. It works as well as it looks. Let me share my experience and its features.

Marktext: A Markdown editor for everyone

Hate Electron framework as much as possible but you cannot deny that Electron-based applications have a clean, modern interface.

the release page.

I chose the Flatpak version for better system integration. And it did work well because Marktext automatically became the default editor for .md files on my Ubuntu 22.04 system.

Please ensure that you have Flatpak support enabled on your system and then add Flathub repo:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

After that, use the command below to install it on your system:

flatpak install flathub com.github.marktext.marktext

If you don’t like it, you can remove it using this command:

flatpak uninstall com.github.marktext.marktext


There are plenty of small features like word count, math latex, spell checker or copy-pasting as markdown or HTML and I leave them up to you to discover.

I’ll be honest. Despite using Markdown for writing articles for years, I don’t remember all the syntaxes. I remember the common ones for headings, lists, code block etc but if I have to create a table, I’ll have to search the web.

I have experimented with a number of markdown editors and there are plenty of good ones there. However, I took an instant liking to Marktext and it will be on my system for a long time.

If you try it, do share your experience in the comment section.

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