Meet Jorvon Moss | #MagPiMonday

A maker and roboticist known commonly as Odd Jayy, Jorvon creates cool stuff for Digi-Key. This #MagPiMonday, we get to him a little better.

If you’ve been to major Maker Faires in the US recently you’ve likely see Jorvon, aka Odd Jayy, and his amazing steampunk creations. Sometimes robots, sometimes wearables, and always very cool. He describes himself as an oddity, hence the name Odd Jayy.

jorvon posing in front of an LED Open Sauce sign

“I have an art background, BFA in Illustration, and self-taught electronics. but mainly focus on character based robotics,” Jorvon tells us. “I just decided to start [making] one day in college as a hobby but then realized it was a passion of mine. I started learning back in 2014, but it has only been my full time job for the last two years.”

When did you learn about Raspberry Pi?

I learned about Raspberry Pi back in 2014, and to be honest I broke my first Raspberry Pi by trying to solder directly onto the board, but I have learned since then and Raspberry Pi is now one of my personal favourite boards.

Binary 2.0 is a cute robot that Jorvon hopes to bring to events - it's taking a test run on the pavement outside here
Binary 2.0 is a cute robot that Jorvon hopes to bring to events

How do you like to use Raspberry Pi stuff (including Pico)?

I like to use Raspberry Pi in a lot of my projects and I love Pico. I use Pico a lot now, being a very strong and easily accessible microcontroller. But when I want a robot with a lot of computing power I grab a Raspberry Pi 4 and now 5.

Meet M3RVN, the
AI-powered, shoulder-perched robot
Meet M3RVN, the AI-powered, shoulder-perched robot

What’s your favourite creation you’ve made with Raspberry Pi?

My favourite thing made with Raspberry Pi so far has been my AI robot M3RVN and my bubble-blowing robot Binary. 

Jorvon loves to use Pico in his builds
Jorvon loves to use Pico in his builds

What inspires your creations?

Sci-fi inspires my work, movies, and books. I love making fun robotic designs and imagining a world they live in.

Jorvon is always working on new robots
Jorvon is always working on new robots

Where can we see your stuff?

You can find most if not all my work on Instagram and my documentation is available from DigiKey.

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