Vanilla OS Redesigned Its Website – And It’s Cool Beans

Immutable Linux distro Vanilla OS recently revamped its website — and I think it’s looking pretty sweet.

After announcing its switch from Ubuntu to Debian Vanilla OS began registering on more people’s radar. Thus, having an up-to-date website able to deftly distil the distro’s raison d’être in an engaging manner was a pretty important detail.

Well: it’s fair to say they’ve nailed it with this relaunch.

An assertive statement greets visitors

The new website boasts lots of large, pin-sharp images, bold colors, nice scrolling effects, and (as someone biased towards the written word) some terrific text descriptions about the distro’s core features/capabilities.

I know: “Oh wow, the website has text” sounds like weak praise but my point is that it’s nice to read substantive, thoughtful exposition on features rather than fluffy marketing phrases (which are fine and have their place but don’t always feel relatable).

Explanations are always welcome in my book

Navigation on the new site is improved. The main navigation menu is compact and concise (with prominent download link); when scrolling there’s a sticky menu to jump between sections; and the footer is filled with links to specific info, support, documentation, etc.

In all, it’s a great revamp. It’s easily one of the best Linux distro homepages I’ve seen in a long time. Alas, it just makes me all-the-more eager to get my mitts on a Debian-based build (development on which continues) to experience the newness first-hand!

• Check out the new Vanilla OS website

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